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== Read Me First ==
#REDIRECT [[Help document for air emission inventory - Registration Option D permit]]
<span id="ElectInvent"></span>
===Electronic Inventory===
The Consolidated Emissions Data Repository (CEDR) is an electronic Emission Inventory (EI) system for the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA). Facilities with a registration Option D permit will access CEDR via the MPCA [https://netweb.pca.state.mn.us/private/login.aspx e-Services] electronic reporting website and enter data needed for the calculation of emissions and compliance with the MPCA and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) requirements.
Facilities will have the ability to enter data online. CEDR will calculate emissions prior to submittal to the MPCA, allowing facilities to verify emissions. In addition, CEDR will display unit and fuel type from the previous year, which will ease data entry and verification and make data submittal more seamless. As time allows, please review and update the non-required data fields in your inventory.
Fields with a red asterisk, "<span style="color: red>*</span>", are required to be populated for a valid submittal (unless noted otherwise).
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<span id="GeneralInfo"></span>
== General Information ==
<span id="InventSubmitReq"></span>
=== Inventory Submittal Required ===
Under the emission inventory rule, [https://www.revisor.mn.gov/rules/?id=7019.3000 Minn. R. 7019.3000], as the owner or operator of a facility needing an air quality permit, you are required to submit an annual air emission inventory. The Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA) calculates emissions for the following pollutants: carbon monoxide (CO), nitrogen oxide (NOx), particulate matter (PM), PM smaller than 10 micrometers in diameter (PM10), sulfur dioxide (SO2), lead (Pb), volatile organic compounds (VOCs), ammonia (NH3). Submission of this information by April 1 of the year following the year being reported is required by [https://www.revisor.mn.gov/rules/?id=7019.3000 Minn. R. 7019.3000], and [https://www.revisor.mn.gov/statutes/?id=116.091 Minn. Stat. § 116.091, subd. 1 and 116.07, subd. 9]. If your facility does not submit an emission inventory on time, your facility may be subjected to an enforcement action and your next annual air fee will not be calculated using actual emissions, but rather using [https://www.revisor.mn.gov/rules/?id=7002.0025 Minn. R. 7002.0025, subp. 3].
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<span id="ReportInstructions"></span>
== Reporting Instructions ==
'''Notice: Before entering data'''
Only one person should work on the EI at any point in time. If more than one person is editing the inventory, the system will only save the latest edits.
<span id="AllFacs"></span>
=== For all facilities ===
#The Emission Inventory is to be completed when your facility's processes are finished for the calendar year.
#Each field identified with an asterisk (*) must be filled out where applicable or the emission inventory is considered incomplete. Each page must be completed and saved.
#Please review the current data in the system and make changes/updates. Most of the information will only have to be updated when changes are made to the facility, including contact information changes, and the addition or removal of processes.
#If your facility did not operate during the inventory year, you must still complete the inventory by updating facility and contact information if necessary, and by entering zeros for throughputs and hours operated.
#All emission sources with the exception of insignificant activities identified in the air permit should be included in the emission inventory. Insignificant activities are defined in [https://www.revisor.mn.gov/rules/?id=7007.1300 Minn. R. 7007.1300]. Accidental discharges and releases of ammonia from pressurized tanks should be quantified and reported on the inventory.
#All fugitive emissions, with the exception of fugitive emissions resulting from insignificant activities, should be reported in the emission inventory.
<span id="AddEditSubtasks"></span>
===Online Reporting: An Overview===
#Log into MPCA e-Services website at: https://netweb.pca.state.mn.us/private/ via the Internet using your account number and password.
#:'''Note:''' If you are a new Submitter please create an account and send in a signed user agreement. If you are a new Preparer please create an account and have the Submitter grant you the Preparer role. See the [https://www.pca.state.mn.us/air/air-emissions-inventory-%E2%80%94-electronic-reporting Air Emissions Inventory – Electronic Reporting] for help.
#Select “Air Emission Inventory Submittal-CEDR” under the “Compliance” heading.
<span id="RepPrepEI"></span>
====Prepare Emission Inventory (Submitter and Preparers)====
#Select “Prepare Inventory Submittal Online” under the “Prepare Emission Inventory” heading.
#Select a “Facility ID”
#Review your facility information to make sure the correct facility was selected. If the facility is correct select “Next”.
#Complete the following tasks
#*“Edit Facility & Contact Information”
#*“Edit Processes & Throughput”
#Select “View Facility Emission Totals” tab and review your facility emissions for accuracy and completeness.
#If data in “View Facility Emission Totals” appears incorrect double check reported data in the “Edit Processes & Throughput” screen to verify data entry is correct and make changes if necessary. If throughput data is correct but the emissions are incorrect than contact the MPCA for assistance.
#If facility emissions appear correct than select "List of Services" on the “Select Task” page to continue the submittal process.
<span id="RepValidEI"></span>
====Validate and Review Emission Inventory (Submitter and Preparers)====
#Select “Validate Emission Inventory Prior to Submittal” under “Submit Emission Inventory” heading on the “List of Services” page.
#Select a “Facility ID.”
#Select "Validate" and correct any errors by revising data in the “Edit Facility & Contact Information” and/or the “Edit Processes, Throughput, & Emissions” tasks. If it is helpful to have a printed version of the error messages when correcting errors then, select “File” and then “Print” from your browser menu bar.
#Select “Review Emission Inventory Prior to Submittal” from the “List of Services” page if you wish to review your inventory before it is submitted.
#Select a “Facility ID.”
#Select “Download” button to open or save a Microsoft Excel file version of your inventory prior to submittal.
<span id="RepSubmitEI"></span>
====Submit Emission Inventory (Submitter Only)====
#Select “Submit Emission Inventory” under the "Submit Emission Inventory" heading on the “List of Services” page after you have reviewed and validated the inventory.
#Select a “Facility ID.”
#The System will display a "Certification Statement" and a “Document List” which displays all of the files that are attached to the submittal including
#*DataDocument.xml file (submittal in xml version)
#*HumanReadableDataDocument.xls file (submittal in .xlsx spreadsheet version).
#*Attached supporting document files (Files the facility has attached).
#Select “View” next to “HumanReadableDataDocument” and save the spreadsheet to your computer if you wish to review the inventory again before submitting.
#Sign the "Certification Statement" by entering your "Account Password" and answering a challenge question.
#Select "Submit." Only those that have submitted an Electronic Signature Submittal Agreement and been approved as the Submitter may actually submit the Emission Inventory.
#The System will display a confirmation of a successful submittal on the next page.
#Select "Finished" to return to the “List of Services” page.
:'''Note:''' Only the facilities that have “authorized” Submitters will be able to complete and submit emission inventories for their authorized facility(s).
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<span id="PollutGuide"></span>
=== Pollutant Specific Guidance ===
<span id="GHGemiss"></span>
====Greenhouse Gases====
Facilities holding an Option D Registration Permit are required to report greenhouse gas (GHG)
emissions to the MPCA in order to comply with the requirements of [https://www.revisor.mn.gov/rules/?id=7007.1130 Minn. R. 7007.1130, subpart 3, item E].
The MPCA’s electronic reporting system will automatically calculate GHG combustion emissions. The
MPCA will calculate emissions for carbon dioxide (CO2), nitrous oxide (N2O), and methane (CH4) using
emission factors from title 40, part 98, EPA [https://www.epa.gov/ghgreporting Mandatory Reporting Rule]. Facilities will have the ability to review and edit the combustion emissions data with site specific information if available. Additionally, facilities will also be able to report non-combustion GHG emissions (if applicable) through the MPCA [https://netweb.pca.state.mn.us/private/Login.aspx e-Services] electronic reporting website.
Hot Mix Asphalt facilities with a “Drum Mix Plant” or a “Batch Plant” process must submit fuel
throughput information to the MPCA by completing the steps below:
#From the “List of Services” page select “Prepare Inventory Submittal Online” under the “Prepare Emission Inventory” heading.
#Select a “Facility ID.”
#Select “Next.”
#Select “Edit Processes, Throughput & Emissions” task on the “Select Tasks” page.
#The system will display a data grid view of “Processes and Throughput.”
#Click the “Edit” button in the “Edit Emissions” column next to “Drum Mix Plant” or “Batch Plant.”
#The system will display an editable form view of the emissions calculations for the selected process.
#Change the “Filter by” selection (located above the table) from “Criteria Air Pollutants” to “Greenhouse Gases.”
#Enter the fuel usage amount in the “Throughput Amount” column for CO2, methane, and nitrous oxide.
#Click “Save & Close” button after entering the data.
#The system will validate the data before saving.
To report non-combustion GHG emissions (if applicable) facilities will have to submit the emissions information to the MPCA as an attachment. Facilities must include activity, emission factors, and emissions information as part of the submittal. Below is an example:
{| class="wikitable"
! scope="col"| Process Description
! scope="col"| Pollutant
! scope="col"| Throughput Amount
! scope="col"| Throughput Units
! scope="col"| Emission Factor (please specify units)
! scope="col"| Emission Calculation Method
! scope="col"| Emissions (in tons)
| scope="row"| Magnesium casting
| SF6
| 1
| Ton
| 23900 CO2E
| 23900
Please refer to the [[#AttachFiles|“Attach Supplemental Files to Emission Inventory”]] section for instructions on adding attachments.
The MPCA has added about one hundred additional fluorinated greenhouse gases (F-GHGs) and fluorinated heat transfer fluids (F-HTFs) to the list of available GHGs for reporting. For more details and to see the list of newly added GHGs, their CAS numbers and Global Warming Potentials (GWPs) please check the [https://www.pca.state.mn.us/air/emissions-reporting emissions reporting website].
The MPCA has revised methane (CH4) and nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions factors for coal, coke, municipal solid waste (MSW), tires and biofuels (except wood and wood residuals). To learn more about emission factor updates please check the [https://www.pca.state.mn.us/air/emissions-reporting electronic reporting website].
====Air Toxics====
Air toxics include the 188 Hazardous Air Pollutants (HAPs) listed in Section 112(b) of the Clean Air Act, plus additional pollutants that have been identified as significant contributors to the contamination of the Great Lakes, and pollutants monitored in the Minnesota environment. '''The MPCA collects data on air toxics emissions every three years.''' The MPCA does not charge fees for air toxics. The list of air toxics can be accessed from the “Process Emissions” page by clicking the “Add New Pollutants” button and
selecting “Air Toxics” as the pollutant group.
'''Option D facilities that are required to keep records of HAP emissions as a condition of their permit must submit their HAP emissions data.''' Submissions of HAP emissions data for non-combustion processes are required in order to improve the data quality and completeness of the air toxics emission inventory. Option D facilities that are not required to keep records of their HAP emissions are encouraged to voluntarily submit HAP emissions. All Option D facilities are also encouraged to voluntarily report the additional state and region specific pollutants on the air toxics list.
The MPCA will automatically calculate air toxics emissions from fuel combustion for all Option D facilities that do not have site specific data. Option D facilities that are required to keep records of HAP emissions as a condition of their permit must submit site specific emissions data.
Emissions reported directly online should be only for permitted processes. For your convenience, MPCA generated emission processes based on your previous air toxics emission report. If a process that was present in the previous year is no longer relevant for the current inventory year, the facility should follow directions on “How to delete Processes.” If you have a new process that emitted air toxics in the current inventory year, you can add it by following directions on “How to add new Processes.” In instances where emissions are from non-permitted processes, you will need to report them by submitting the information to the MPCA as an attachment. Below is an example:
{| class="wikitable"
! scope="col"|
! scope="col"| Process Description
! scope="col"| Pollutant Name
! scope="col"| CAS Number
! scope="col"| Emissions (in pounds)
! scope="row"| Example 1
| Surface coating
| Toluene
| 108-88-3
| 20.02
! scope="row"| Example 2
| Cleaning/stripping
| Acetone
| 67-64-1
| 956.31
Please refer to the [[#AttachFiles|“Attach Supplemental Files to Emission Inventory”]] section for instructions on adding attachments.
Recommendations for reporting data for specific groups of compounds are summarized below in a hierarchy of the most preferred method to the least preferred method. For pollutant groups, only one reporting strategy per group per process should be used. Simultaneous use of more than one reporting strategy (e.g., reporting both individual chromium compounds and total chromium for the same source) will result in double counting.
''Metal and cyanide groups:''
#Report emissions of all individual metal and cyanide compounds; e.g., report emissions of arsenic trioxide, rather than emissions of arsenic compound as a whole. Reporting arsenic compound as a whole will not be accepted. All individual compounds should be reported as the mass of the total compounds, not just the metal within the compound.
#Report just emissions of metal or cyanide within the compound; e.g., if you have emissions of 1 lb of arsenic trioxide, you can report 0.7574 lb of arsenic emissions within the arsenic trioxide.
#*Chromium - Since there is widely varying toxicity, you need to separate chromium compounds into trivalent (CHROMIUM III, CAS #1606583) and hexavalent chromium (CHROMIUM VI, CAS #18540299) if possible. You may report emissions for chromium if you cannot separate emissions. If the emissions are reported for chromium, the emissions will be allocated to CHROMIUM III and CHROMIUM VI based on generic information when the data are used.
#*Do not include metals or cyanide already reported using the more preferred method in number 1.
:Report mass emissions of the following 17 individual congeners of chlorinated dibenzodioxins (CDDs) and chlorinated dibenzofurans (CDFs):
{| class="wikitable"
! scope="col"| Pollutant code
! scope="col"| Short Description
! scope="col"| Cas No.
| scope="row"| HPCDD1234678
| 35822-46-9
| scope="row"| HPCDF1234678
| 67562-39-4
| scope="row"| HPCDF1234789
| 55673-89-7
| scope="row"| HXCDD,123478
| 39227-28-6
| scope="row"| HXCDD,123678
| 57653-85-7
| scope="row"| HXCDD,123789
| 19408-74-3
| scope="row"| HXCDF,123478
| 70648-26-9
| scope="row"| HXCDF,123678
| 57117-44-9
| scope="row"| HXCDF,123789
| 72918-21-9
| scope="row"| HXCDF,234678
| 60851-34-5
| scope="row"| OCDD,TOT
| 3268-87-9
| scope="row"| OCDF,TOT
| 39001-02-0
| scope="row"| PECDD,12378
| 40321-76-4
| scope="row"| PECDF,12378
| 57117-41-6
| scope="row"| PECDF,23478
| 57117-31-4
| scope="row"| TCDD,2378
| 1746-01-6
| scope="row"| TCDF,2378
| 51207-31-9
''Glycol ethers:''
#Report emissions for individual glycol ethers. All individual glycol ethers are shown on the air toxics pollutant list.
#If you cannot report individual glycol ether emissions, report total emissions of glycol ethers as a group under pollutant code “GLYCOL ETHERS.” You should not report emissions of one pollutant under both the individual pollutant name and “GLYCOL ETHERS.” Please do not include the following compounds in glycol ethers. These compounds are often mistaken as being glycol ethers.
{| class="wikitable"
! style="text-align:left;" | Compound
! scope="col"| CAS No.
| scope="row"| 1,1- Dimethoxyethane
| 534-15-6
| scope="row"| 1-Ethoxy-2-propanol
| 1569-02-4
| scope="row"| 3-Ethoxy-1-propanol
| 111-35-3
| scope="row"| Butyl Cellosolve
| 111-76-2
| scope="row"| Diethylene glycol
| 111-46-6
| scope="row"| Diethylene glycol di(3-aminopropyl) ether
| 4246-51-9
| scope="row"| Dipropylene glycol monomethyl ether
| 34590-94-8
| scope="row"| Glycols, polyethylene, polypropylene monobutylether (nonionic)
| 9038-95-3
| scope="row"| Isopropyl glycol
| 109-59-1
| scope="row"| Nonyl phenyl polyethylene glycol ether
| 9016-45-9
| scope="row"| Propylene glycol methyl ether acetate
| 108-65-6
| scope="row"| Propylene glycol monomethyl ether
| 107-98-2
| scope="row"| Propylene glycol t-butyl ether
| 57018-52-7
| scope="row"| Triethylene glycol
| 112-27-6
Butyl cellosolve (Cas No. 111-76-2) is shown on the air toxics list as an individual pollutant to support MPCA risk assessment needs.
''Xylenes and cresols:''
#Report emissions for individual xylene and cresol isomers. If you report emissions for individual isomers do not report any emissions for total xylenes or total cresols to avoid double counting.
#If you cannot report individual emissions of xylenes or cresols, report total emissions of xylenes or cresols as a group under “XYLENES ISO” (Cas No. 1330-20-7) or “CRESOLS MX IS” (Cas No. 1319-77-3).
''Polycylic organic matter (POM):''
:Report emissions of as many individual POM compounds as possible. All individual glycol ethers are shown on the AT pollutant list.
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<span id="ContactInfo"></span>
== MPCA Contact Information ==
If you have questions about air emissions reporting, please visit the [https://www.pca.state.mn.us/air/air-emissions MPCA Air emissions webpage] for a list of staff contacts.
IT Support
*e-Services Support Staff - [mailto:onlineservices.pca@state.mn.us email MPCA e-Services support].
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== Prepare Emission Inventory ==
<span id="EditSourceContactSF"></span>
===Edit Facility & Contact Information (Submitter and Preparers)===
{| class="wikitable"
! style="text-align:left;"| Facility Information
! scope="col"|
! style="text-align:left;"| Field Name
! style="text-align:left;"| Description
| scope="row"| Facility ID
| An identifier by which the facility is referred to by the system. This is an eight digit number that is the same as the first eight numbers of the permit number for a given facility.
| scope="row"| Facility Name
| The name assigned by the facility on air permit.
| scope="row"| NAICS Code
| The North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) is the standard used by Federal statistical agencies in classifying business establishments for the purpose of collecting, analyzing, and publishing statistical data related to the U.S. business economy.
| scope="row"| Portable (Y/N)
| This refers to the permanence of the physical location of the facility. This may apply to certain Hot Mix Asphalt plants that have the ability to move their operations from site to site on a semi-regular basis.
| scope="row"| Latitude
| The measure of the angular distance on a meridian north or south of the equator that a facility is located at. This is to be reported in decimal degrees. Range must be between a minimum latitude of 43.369136 to a maximum latitude of 49.437451.
| scope="row"| Longitude
| The measure of the angular distance on a meridian east or west of the prime meridian that a facility is located at. This is to be reported in decimal degrees. Range must be between a minimum longitude of -97.353903 to a maximum longitude of -89.281094.
| scope="row"| Horizontal Collection Method
| Describes the method used to determine the latitude and longitude coordinates for a point on the earth. This specifies what type of method or device was used to identify the latitude and longitude, e.g., an address, an intersection, a Global Positioning System (GPS) device, a census block centroid, etc. The key is that the horizontal collection method determines how the coordinates were collected, not where.
| scope="row"| Horizontal Accuracy Measure
| The horizontal measure, in meters, of the relative accuracy of the latitude and longitude coordinates. Range must be between 0 and 999,999.
| scope="row"| Horizontal Reference Datum
| The code that represents the reference datum used in determining latitude and longitude coordinates.
| scope="row"| Source Map Scale
| The number that represents the proportional distance on the ground for one unit of measure on the map or photo. For example, 1 inch corresponds to 50 feet on a map. (Note: This is not filled out when using GPS).
| scope="row"| Geographic Reference Point
| The code that identifies the place for which the geographic coordinates were established. This specifies the location at the place where the coordinates were taken, e.g., entrance to a facility, center of a facility, etc. The key is that the reference point determines where the coordinates were collected, not how.
| scope="row"| Principal Product
| The main product(s) that are produced at the facility.
| scope="row"| Number of Employees
| The count of people that work at the identified facility. Enter the estimated number of employees on the first day of the inventory reporting year.
| scope="row"| Status
| Select the term that best identifies the operating status of the facility.
| scope="row"| Shutdown Date
| The date on which the shutdown operating status of the facility became applicable. Leave blank if still operating. Format of Date = 'mm/dd/yyyy'.
| scope="row"| Comment
| Any comments regarding the facility.
| scope="row"| Contact Information
| The name, title, street address, email address, phone number, etc. for the emission inventory contact at the facility.
====How to edit "Facility & Contact Information"====
#Select “Edit Facility & Contact Information" from the “Select Task” page.
#The system will display an editable form view of “Facility & Contact Information".
#Edit data and select either:
#*“Save”: Save data and go back to the "Select Task” page.
#*“Cancel”: Undo any changes and go back to the “Select Task” page.
#The system will validate data before saving.
<span id="EditProcessActivitySFAJAX"></span>
====How to make changes to your facility's permit information====
If any of the following have changed, your permit must be revised to reflect such changes: facility name, ownership or control of the facility, or any other facility contact information listed in the permit (e.g., mailing address). You must submit an application to the MPCA to change your permit. You can find the various permit application forms on the MPCA’s Web site at: http://www.pca.state.mn.us/changeforms. If you are unsure which forms to submit, please contact the Small Business Environmental Assistance Program at 651-282-6143 or 1-800-657-3938.
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===Edit Processes, Throughput & Emissions (Submitter and Preparers)===
{| class="wikitable"
! style="text-align:left;"| Field Name
! style="text-align:left;"| Description
| scope="row"| Unit Description
| A name that identifies a general emissions generating source at the facility, for example, "Boiler/Heater” or “Surface Coating Operations”
| scope="row"| Throughput
| The “Throughput” is a description of the material or fuel processed. Example: “DIESEL FUEL” burned in a generator is the “Throughput”
| scope="row"| Throughput Amount
| The total amount of the “Throughput” used annually during a given activity.
| scope="row"| Ash (%)
| The percentage of ash contained in a fuel if applicable.
| scope="row"| Sulfur (%)
| The percentage of sulfur contained in a fuel if applicable.
| scope="row"| Hours of Operation
| Actual number of hours the process is active or operating during the reporting period. Hours per Year may not exceed 8760, except during leap years (8784 hrs).
| scope="row"| HP Design Capacity
| Maximum design capacity of the generator/internal combustion engine as measured in horsepower.
'''IMPORTANT: PLEASE PAY CLOSE ATTENTION TO THROUGHPUT UNITS.''' The "Processes & Throughput" page automatically populates the "Throughput Unit" column based on the "Throughput" that is being reported.
'''Note:''' E3GAL is equal to 1,000 Gallons; E6FT3 is equal to 1,000,000 Cubic Feet.
*Example Conversion 1: 5535 gallons = 5.535 E3GAL
*Example Conversion 2: 92,675,519 cubic feet = 92.675519 E6FT3
'''Note:''' The throughput units that appear on the "Processes & Throughput" page for a given throughput may be different than the throughput units that appear on the "Process Emissions Details" page.
<u>Example for facilities that do not have hot-mix asphalt operations:</u>
If a Stationary Internal Combustion Engine is selected on the “Processes & Throughput” page the throughput units default to “E3GAL.” “E3GAL” is equal to “1000 gallons”, so to report 1500 gallons of diesel fuel burned, enter “1.5” in the “Throughput Amount” column.
On the "Process Emissions Details" page the "Throughput Units" and the "Emission Factor Units" will also appear as "E3GAL."
<u>Example for facilities with hot-mix asphalt operations:</u>
If a Stationary Internal Combustion Engine is selected on the “Processes & Throughput” page the throughput units default to “Gallons.” To report 1500 gallons of diesel fuel burned, enter “1500” in the “Throughput Amount” column.
On the “Process Emissions Details” page, in the “Throughput Amount” column, the 1500 gallons of diesel fuel that was reported on the “Processes & Throughput” page will have been converted to “1.5” and the “Throughput Units” will be “E3GAL Diesel Fuel.” Please pay attention to units when entering “Throughput Amount” and “Emission Factor” values.
====How to edit "Processes & Throughput"====
#Select "Edit Processes & Throughput" on the “Select Task” page.
#The System will display a data grid view of the processes that were reported by your facility for the previous reporting year.
#Enter the amount of fuel used for any Boiler/Heater in the “Throughput Amount” column. Enter the “Throughput Amount” or enter the “Hours of Operation” and the “HP Design Capacity” for any Generator/Stationary Internal Combustion Engine.
#Enter the ash and sulfur content percentages into the “Ash%” and “Sulfur%” columns for applicable fuels if your facility uses this information to calculate emissions.
#*“Save & Close” after entering throughput and process information or add new processes as needed.
#*“Cancel” to undo any changes and go back to the grid view.
#The System will validate data before saving.
====How to add new Processes====
#Select "Edit Processes, Throughput, & Emissions" from “Select Task” screen.
#The system will display a data grid view of "Processes & Throughput."
#Select "Insert" button found to the left of the “Edit Emissions” column heading.
#The system will display an editable form view of a new record.
'''Note:''' The system will display different “Processes & Throughput” screens dependent upon if the facility is identified as having Hot Mix Asphalt operations or not.
<u>Facilities that do not have hot-mix asphalt operations:</u>
#Select a Source Classification Code (SCC) by clicking on the "Truncated Source Classification Code" link or the "All Source Classification Code" link.
#Follow steps 3 through 6 in the “How to edit Processes & Throughput” section.
#Enter an SCC in the “Source Classification Code” column. (Note: Selecting the “Source Classification Code” heading or selecting the “Truncated Source Classification Code” link found below the grid will open a condensed list of SCCs. Selecting the “All Source Classification Code” link below the grid will open the complete list of SCCs).
#The system will populate the “Unit Description” column based on the SCC that you select.
#Enter the amount of fuel used for any boilers in the “Throughput Amount” column. Enter the “Throughput Amount” or enter the “Hours of Operation” and the “HP Design Capacity” for internal combustion engines. (Note: For non-combustion processes this field will not be editable. Emissions for non-combustion processes will be calculated by the facility and entered in the “Process Emissions Details” page which is accessed by selecting “Edit” in the “Edit Emissions” column).
#Enter the ash and sulfur content percentages into the “Ash%” and “Sulfur%” columns for applicable fuels if your facility uses this information to calculate emissions.
#*“Save & Close” after entering process and throughput information or add new processes as needed.
#*“Cancel” to undo any changes and go back to the “Select Task” page.
#The system will validate data before saving.
#Go to [[#ProcEmissDetails|“Process Emissions Details”]] screen to enter data for any newly added processes.
====How to delete a Process====
#Select “Edit Processes & Throughput” from ”Select Task” page.
#The system will display a data grid view of the processes that were reported by the facility for the previous reporting year.
#Select the "Delete" button on a row to delete that process.
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<span id="ProcEmissDetails"></span>
===Process Emissions Details (Submitter and Preparers)===
{| class="wikitable"
! style="text-align:left;"| Field Name
! style="text-align:left;"| Description
| scope="row"| Emission Calculation Method
| Description that defines the method used to calculate emissions.
| scope="row"| Throughput Amount
| The total amount of the “Throughput” used annually during a given activity.
| scope="row"| Throughput Units
| Depending on the SCC, the throughput may refer to the amount of fuel combusted, raw material processed, product manufactured, or material handled or processed over a specific period of time. Each throughput is paired with the “Units” that match the emission factor that is being used.
| scope="row"| Emission Factor
| The amount of emittant material created in a specified process per unit of throughput material.
| scope="row"| Emission Factor Units (Numerator)
| The numerator for the unit of measure of the reported emission factor.
| scope="row"| Emission Factor Units (Denominator)
| The denominator for the unit of measure of the reported emission factor.
| scope="row"| Apply Control Efficiency (%)
| A check box that allows the user to apply control efficiencies to emissions calculations that use uncontrolled emission factors.
| scope="row"| Total Capture Efficiency (%)
| Total capture efficiency % of control system, should be greater than or equal to 1.0 and less than or equal to 100.0 (%).
| scope="row"| Total Control Efficiency (%)
| Total control efficiency % of control system, should be greater than or equal to 1.0 and less than or equal to 99.99 (%).
| scope="row"| Total Emissions (TON)
| Total calculated or estimated amount of the pollutant.
| scope="row"| Stack Testing Date and Emission Factor
| Date of stack test (“mm/dd/yyyy”, if applicable) or comment for emission factor.
| scope="row"| Comments
| Any comments regarding the facility.
====How to edit Process Emissions====
#Select "Edit Processes, Throughput & Emissions" from the ”Select Task” page.
#Select the “Edit” button in the “Edit Emissions” column next to the process of interest.
'''Note:''' The system will display different “Process Emission Details” screens for combustion and non-combustion processes. For non-combustion processes the system will only allow the user to enter emissions. For combustion processes the user will have the ability to enter additional information which will enable the system to perform emissions calculations.
<u>Combustion Processes</u>
#The system will display an editable data grid view for the criteria pollutants for which EPA/State emission factors exist.
#User edits data and selects:
#*“Save & Close” after entering emission calculation information.
#*“Cancel” to undo any changes and go back to the “Select Task” page.
#The system will validate data before saving.
<u>Non-Combustion Processes</u>
#The system will display an editable data grid view of any criteria pollutants that were reported for your facility in the previous reporting year.
#User edits data and selects:
#*“Save & Close” after entering emission calculation information.
#*“Cancel” to undo any changes and go back to the “Select Task” page.
#The system will validate data before saving.
'''Note:''' If the “Throughput Amount” and “Emission Factor” are present (remember zero is a valid emission factor) the system will calculate emissions, please check emission values after recalculating or saving.
====How to edit "Add New Pollutants”====
#Select "Add New Pollutants."
#The system will display a grid view of "Pollutant Codes" listed in alphabetical order.
#:'''Note:''' The “Filter by” dropdown list above the grid will default to the pollutant group that was selected on the “Process Emissions Details” page.
#Choose the “Pollutant Codes” to display in the grid by selecting one of the pollutant groups; “Criteria Air Pollutants”, “Air Toxics” "Greenhouse Gases” or “All Pollutants” listed in the “Filter by” dropdown list.
#The system will display all of the pollutants codes for the selected pollutant group provided that the pollutants do not already appear on the “Process Emissions Details” page.
#Select the check box next to the pollutant(s) that you wish to add to the pollutants displayed on the “Process Emissions Details” page.
#Select “Continue” after you have finished selecting pollutants.
'''Note:''' You can only add pollutants from one pollutant group at a time. If you wish to add pollutants from multiple pollutant groups you must repeat steps 1-6 until you have added all of the pollutants that you wish to add.
'''Process Emissions instructions if using other site specific alternative calculations other than default AP-42/WebFIRE emission factors.'''
#To record the results of stack tests, VOC or SO2 material balance calculations, TANKS, permit limits or other, alternative methods of emission calculation, read the appropriate parts of the “Instructions For Reporting Stack Test, VOC or SO2 Material Balance Results” identified below in the next header. If a stack test generated data for a number of different raw materials, the annual test data should be apportioned to each type of raw material.
#You must use the results from any stack test performed in the past 10 years, if the test was performed in accordance to our performance test rules and if there is no CEM data available for that unit. Please include date of the test (“mm/dd/yyyy” in the Stack Test comment field), the test result itself and the emission calculations on the Process Emissions task/tab. If a unit was tested for the same pollutant(s) more than once in the past inventory year, please contact an Emission Inventory Coordinator and ask how to apply these stack test results.
#If you wish to use a stack test to calculate PM10 emissions, both organic and inorganic condensables must be included in the total PM10 amount. If the test did not measure both types of condensables, it should not be used to calculate PM10 emissions without discussing the situation with an Emission Inventory Coordinator first.
#If you calculate VOC emissions using a VOC material balance, please note that the VOC content and the density (if used in the calculation) must come directly from the product Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS). Estimations of VOC contents and densities are unacceptable. Additionally, include a sample calculation with the inventory as an attachment. Please note that MPCA staff may request the full calculation for all material balances.
#If your facility uses AP-42 or WebFIRE emissions factors other than the uncontrolled default factors associated with the Source Classification Code (SCC) shown, please identify on the Process Emissions task/tab and reference the chapter and page number of the emission factor in the Stack Testing and Emission Factor comments column.
#If you calculate emissions from storage tanks using the EPA's TANKS program, please be certain you are using the latest version of TANKS. You can download this software free of charge from the following EPA website: https://www3.epa.gov/ttn/chief/software/tanks/index.html
====Instructions For Reporting Stack Test, Other Emission Factor, or VOC Material Balance Results====
Listed below are directions for several types of estimation methods allowed under the inventory rule. Please read the applicable sections thoroughly for each section.
====Stack Test or Other Emission Factor====
Stack test data from any test performed in the past 10 years that is in accordance with the performance test rules must be used before any other method of emission calculation. Please use [https://www.revisor.mn.gov/rules/?id=7019.3050 Minn. R. 7019.3050] as guidance.
In the “Process Emissions Details” task located within the “Edit Processes, Throughput & Emissions” screen:
#Identify the “Emissions Calculation Method” as “Stack Test” or “Other Factor” (this will blank out the “Throughput Amount”, “Throughput Units”, “Emission Factor”, “Emission Factor Units” and “Total Emissions” columns).
#Select the appropriate “Throughput Units” from the list of choices in the drop down list. (Note: If user selects the same “Throughput Units” that were entered on the “Edit Processes, Throughput & Emissions” page than the system will auto-fill the “Throughput Amount” and “Emission Factor Units”).
#Update the “Throughput Amount” if different than value entered on “Edit Processes, Throughput & Emissions” screen.
#Update the “Emission Factor”. (Note: “Emission Factor Units” and “Throughput Units” must match. For this reason the system auto-fills the “Emission Factor Units” with the identical units that the user selects for “Throughput Units”).
#Enter “Stack Test” date (“mm/dd/yyyy”) in the “Stack Testing Date and Emission Factor Comment” column.
#Select “Save & Close” (The system will perform a validation and return you to the ”Edit Processes and Throughput” screen).
Include the calculations showing how the emissions were calculated from the test data as an Attachment to the emission inventory. If multiple fuels or raw materials were used during a stack test, apportion the total estimated emissions from the test among each type of fuel or raw material. If a unit was tested for the same pollutant(s) more than once in the past inventory year, please contact an Emissions Inventory Coordinator and ask how to apply these stack test results to the inventory.
[[#top|Back To Top]]
<span id="ViewFacilityEmissions"></span>
===View Facility Emission Totals (Submitter and Preparers)===
{| class="wikitable"
! style="text-align:left;"| Field Name
! style="text-align:left;"| Description
| scope="row"| Unit Description
| Unit Description. A name that identifies a general emissions generating source at the facility, for example, "Boiler/Heater” or “Surface Coating Operations”
| scope="row"| Pollutant
| Description Code identifying the pollutant for which emissions are reported.
| scope="row"| Total (TON)
| Total calculated tons of emissions of each pollutant.
====How to "View Facility Total Emissions"====
#Choose the pollutants to display in the grid by selecting one of the pollutant groups; “Criteria Air Pollutants” "Greenhouse Gases" or “Air Toxics” listed in the “Filter by” dropdown list.
#The system will display a grid view for the pollutants that are in the pollutant group selected.
#If data in the “View Facility Emission Totals” appears incorrect double check the reported data in the “Edit Processes & Throughput” screen to verify that the data entry is correct and make changes if necessary. If throughput data is correct but the emissions are incorrect than contact the MPCA for assistance.
#If facility emissions appear correct than select "List of Services" button on the “Select Task” page to return to the “List of Services” page.
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<span id="AttachFiles"></span>
===Attach Supplemental Files to Emission Inventory (Submitter and Preparers)===
'''How to:'''
#Select "Attach Supplemental Files to Emission Inventory" under the “Prepare Emission Inventory” heading.
#The system will display a data grid view of facilities that you are authorized to prepare and/or submit inventories for.
#Select a "Facility ID."
#The system will display a page that allows you to browse for files to attach.
#Select the "Browse" button to add a file.
#Select "Document Type" from the dropdown list.
#Select the "Attach File" button.
#The system will validate the file type.
#The system will display attached files.
#Repeat step 5 - 7 to attach more files (Note: System can only save one of each document type (not to be confused with file type such as “xls” or “pdf of which there is no limit). For example if the user attempts to attach a second “VOC Material Balance” document, the first “VOC Material Balance” document that was attached will be replaced and therefore will no longer be attached).
#After file(s) are attached, select either:
#*"Remove": to remove the attached file.
#*“Attach File” to attach another file.
#*"List of Services" to go back to the "List of Services" page.
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<span id="ValidateInventory"></span>
===Validate Emission Inventory Prior to Submittal (Submitter and Preparers)===
'''How to:'''
#Select "Validate Emission Inventory Prior to Submittal" under the “Submit Emission Inventory” heading.
#The system will display a data grid view of facilities that you are authorized to prepare and/or submit inventories for.
#Select a "Facility ID".
#The system will display selected facility's information for verification.
#Select the "Validate" button.
#The system will validate data and display any errors (if a printed version is helpful to have when correcting error messages select “File” and then “Print” from your browser menu bar.)
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<span id="DownloadReviewExcelFile"></span>
===Review Emission Inventory Prior to Submittal (Submitter and Preparers)===
'''How to:'''
#Select "Review Emission Inventory Prior to Submittal" under the “Submit Emission Inventory” heading.
#The System will display a data grid view of facilities that you are authorized to prepare and/or submit inventories for.
#Select a "Facility ID."
#The System will display selected facility's information for verification.
#Select the "Download" button.
#Select “Download” button to open or save a Microsoft Excel file version of your inventory prior to submittal.
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<span id="SubmitInventory"></span>
===Submit Emission Inventory (Submitter only)===
'''How to:'''
#Select "Submit Emission Inventory" under the “Submit Emission Inventory” heading.
#The system will display a data grid view of facilities for which you are authorized as the Submitter for.
#Select a "Facility ID".
#The system will display a "Certification Statement", and a “Document List” which displays all of the files that are attached to the submittal including:
#*DataDocument .xml file (This DataDocument is included for purposes of compliance with the MPCA’s Cross Media Electronic Reporting Regulation (CROMERR) agreement with U.S. EPA only.)
#*HumanReadableDataDocument.xls file (submittal in .xlsx spreadsheet version).
#*Attached supporting document files (Files the facility has attached).
#Select “View” next to “HumanReadableDataDocument” and save the spreadsheet to your computer if you wish to review the inventory again before submitting.
#Sign the "Certification Statement" by entering your "Account Password" and answering a challenge question.
#Select the "Submit" button.
#System will display confirmation of successful submittal on the next page.
#Select "Finished" to go back to the “List of Services” page.
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==Manage Emission Inventory Submittals==
<span id="CreateSubmittalAgreementTask"></span>
===Create Submittal Agreement (Submitter only)===
'''How to:'''
#Go to MPCA [https://netweb.pca.state.mn.us/private/Login.aspx e-Services] portal.
#Select "Login" and enter the "Account Number" and "Password" that you obtained during the "Create User Account" procedure.
#Once you are logged in select "Air Emission Inventory Submittal-CEDR" from the menu of options.
#Select "Create Submittal Agreement" under the “Request Authorization to Submit Emission Inventories Online (Submitter Only)” heading.
#Enter the 8 digit facility ID for the facilities for which you are the Submitter. This ID appears on your previous year's air emission inventory.
#Select "Next >>."
#Select "Create Agreement."
#Print out the Agreement.
#Read the entire document.
#Place a “check” in one of the check boxes under number “4” in the “Submitter Signature (Required)” section on page 2.
#Sign and provide additional information requested at the end of section “A. “Submitter Signature (Required).”
#Mail the signed and dated Submittal Agreement to the address listed on the form.
#You will be contacted by e-mail when you are authorized as the Submitter for the facility listed in the agreement. At that time you will then be able to grant access to others to prepare the inventory.
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<span id="GetCopyOfRecordTask"></span>
===View Copy of Record (Submitter and Preparers)===
See the [[#GlossaryOfTerms|Glossary of Terms]] for a definition of "Copy of Record".
'''How to:'''
#Select "View Copy of Record" under the “Manage Emission Inventory Submittals” heading.
#The system will display a data grid view of authorized facilities for any inventories that have been successfully submitted.
#Select a "Confirmation Number" to "Save" or "Open" the ".zip" file.
#In the “.zip” file open the file named "HumanReadableDataDocument". This is the "Copy of Record."
#Select "List of Services" to go back to the “List of Services” page.
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<span id="ViewAuthorizedUsersTask"></span>
===View Authorized Users (Submitter and Preparers)===
'''How to:'''
#Select "View Authorized Users" under the "Manage Emission Inventory Submittals" heading.
#The system will display a data grid view of facilities that you are authorized to prepare and/or submit inventories for along with displaying the names of anyone else who is authorized for these facilities.
#Select "List of Services" to go back to the "List of Services" page.
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<span id="GrantPreparerRole"></span>
===Grant Preparer Role (Submitter Only)===
'''How to:'''
#Select "Grant Preparer Role" under the "Manage Emission Inventory Submittals" heading.
#The system will display a data grid view of facilities that you are authorized as the Submitter.
#Select a "Facility ID".
#The system will ask for "Preparer's Account Number" and "Preparer's Email."
#Enter the Preparer's account number and email and then select "Grant Role."
#The system will validate account number and email address and return you to the "List of Services" page.
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<span id="RevokePreparerRole"></span>
===Revoke Preparer Role (Submitter Only)===
'''How to:'''
#Select "Revoke Preparer Role" under the "Manage Emission Inventory Submittals" heading.
#The system will display a data grid view of facilities that you are authorized as the Submitter.
#Select a "Facility ID."
#The system will display a data grid view of authorized Preparers.
#Select an account number of a Preparer.
#Click "Revoke Role" to remove the selected person as a Preparer for the facility.
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<span id="DeleteDraftSubmittal"></span>
===Delete Draft Submittal (Submitter Only)===
'''How to:'''
#Select "Delete Draft Submittal" under the "Manage Emission Inventory Submittals" heading.
#The system will display a data grid view of facilities that you are authorized to prepare and/or submit inventories for.
#Select a "Facility ID."
#Select the "Delete" button to delete data and return to the "List of Services" page.
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<span id="FAQ"></span>
==Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)==
<span id="LogInReg"></span>
====CEDR e-Services Log In and Registration====
#How do I set up a user account?
#*Go to MPCA [https://netweb.pca.state.mn.us/private/login.aspx e-Services] electronic reporting website. Select “Create an Account” and complete the information requested. You will receive an e-mail with your account number. Select the link in the e-mail to activate your account.
#How/Where do I enter the data? I created an account but when I log in I only see the link “Create Submittal Agreement”.
#*You will see the links for preparing the inventory only after:
#**You print out and mail in a signed Submittal Agreement identifying yourself as the Submitter for the facility. (Refer to FAQ #4 to determine if you should be identified as the Submitter) OR
#**The authorized Submitter for the facility identifies you as a Preparer. Refer to the instructions for “Grant Preparer Role” to learn how to become a Preparer.
#How do I identify myself as the Submitter in CEDR?
#*Click on the link “Create Submittal Agreement” and print out and mail in a signed Submittal Agreement identifying yourself as the Submitter for the facility. Refer to FAQ #4 to determine if you should be identified as the Submitter.
#Who should sign the Submittal Agreement?
#*If the Responsible Official (RO) as defined in [https://www.revisor.mn.gov/rules/?id=7007.0100 Minn. R. 7007.0100, subp. 21] is not currently an authorized Submitter and will be submitting the inventory he/she must complete section C of the Submittal Agreement and mail in the form.
#*If the Responsible Official chooses to delegate authority for submitting the inventory to someone else (the Submitter), the Responsible Official must complete section D of the Submittal Agreement. The Submittal Agreement must be generated from the delegated Submitter’s e-Services account and the delegated Submitter must complete section C of the Submittal Agreement.
#How do I make changes to my facility's permit information?
#*If any of the following have changed, your permit must be revised to reflect such changes: facility name, ownership or control of the facility, or any other facility contact information listed in the permit (e.g., mailing address). You must submit an application to the MPCA to change your permit. You can find the various permit application forms on the MPCA’s Web site at: http://www.pca.state.mn.us/changeforms.
#How does the facility change the Responsible Official in the MPCA AQ Database?
#*The new Submitter must complete and mail in a Submittal Agreement. If the new Submitter does not meet the definition of Responsible Official as defined in [https://www.revisor.mn.gov/rules/?id=7007.0100 Minn. R. 7007.0100, subp. 21], the Responsible Official must complete section D of the Submittal Agreement. Refer to the [[#CreateSubmittalAgreementTask|“Create Submittal Agreement”]] section for step-by-step guidance on completing this procedure. Once the new is authorized, he/she can grant access for Preparers.
#Can I fax or e-mail the Submittal Agreement?
#*No, as part of the MPCA’s Cross Media Electronic Reporting Regulation (CROMERR) agreement with U.S. EPA both pages of the original paper copy of the Agreement must be kept in the MPCA’s files for at least 5 years.
#Can I submit a single Submittal Agreement for multiple facilities?
#*No, Submitters must submit a separate Submittal Agreement for each facility they will be submitting an inventory for.
#I mailed in my Submittal agreement. When can I begin to prepare my inventory electronically?
#*Submittal Agreements can take up to 3 weeks for the MPCA to process. You will receive an email from the MPCA e-Services Portal administrator when you are authorized.
#Can more than one Submitter be designated for an individual facility?
#*No. Users that are not the Submitter will be able to assist with preparing the emission inventory submittal; however, they will not have access to the facility information until access is granted by the Submitter.
#Can more than one Preparer be designated for an individual facility?
#*Yes, a Submitter can designate multiple Preparers for a given facility; however, only the Submitter is able to electronically submit the inventory. Each user (both Submitter and Preparer) must have his or her own individual account.
#Can one individual be designated with more than one "user role", e.g., can a Submitter also have Preparer privileges?
#*A Submitter can prepare and submit an inventory. Preparers can only prepare an inventory.
#I am registered as a Preparer but cannot access my facility in the MPCA’s e-Services Portal: Air Emission Inventory Submittal-CEDR application
#*Check with the Responsible Official/Submitter for the facility to find out if he/she has granted you Preparer role access for the facility. Instructions for the Responsible Official/Submitter to grant the Preparer role to other users can be found above under [[#GrantPreparerRole|“Grant Preparer Role”]].
#I am a consultant responsible for several emission inventories for one particular client. How do I go about obtaining the information necessary to begin completing the emission inventory in CEDR?
#*In order to access your client's data, you need to create a user account. You must provide the Submitter your account number and the email address used to create your account for each facility that you will be assisting with inventory preparation. Only the Submitter can grant Preparer access to you. Once you are granted access by the Submitter, you will have access to all of the facility’s data in the online emission inventory system.
#Currently, my client has not contacted the MPCA to apply for Submitter designation. Should my first step be to instruct the client to set up a User Account?
#*Yes. You should instruct your client to set up a user account (Refer to FAQ #1).
#I forgot my account number and/or password. How do I find it?
#*If you just forgot your password, but know your account number, go to the MPCA [https://netweb.pca.state.mn.us/private/login.aspx e-Services] electronic reporting web page and click on “Login.” From the Login page, click on the 'I forgot my password' link. After you enter your account number, the e-mail address that you used to create your account, and answer a challenge question, a notice will be sent to you via e-mail that your account has been reset. If you do not have your account number or know the e-mail address under which you registered, contact the MPCA e-Services Portal administrator at 651-757-2728.
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<span id="InvPrep"></span>
====Inventory Preparation====
#How do I add new processes to my emissions inventory?
#*Refer to the step-by-step instructions in the [[#EditProcessActivitySFAJAX|“Edit Processes, Throughput & Emissions”]] instructions.
#Do I have to calculate my emissions even if I don’t have site specific data to report such as a stack test or a mass balance?
#*No. CEDR will calculate your emissions based on the standard emission factors for the assigned SCC. However, it is highly suggested to review emission calculated before submittal.
#I changed the pre-populated data and just want to “start over.” How do I restore the data that was originally populated in my facility’s online emission Inventory Reporting account?
#*From the "Air Emission Inventory - CEDR" page select "Delete Draft Submittal" from the "Manage Emission Inventory Submittals" menu. Select the facility that you wish to restore to the originally populated data and click on "Delete".
#How do I know which data fields I need to update?
#*Fields designated as required (red*) must be updated if the information in the field is inaccurate and populated if the field is blank (unless otherwise noted). You will need to update the data provided in previous inventories that changes from year to year such as throughput, hours of operation, etc.
#*If any of the following uneditable data have changed, your permit must be revised to reflect such changes: facility name, ownership or control of the facility, or any other facility contact information listed in the permit (e.g., mailing address). You must submit an application to the MPCA to change your permit. You can find the various permit application forms on the MPCA’s Web site at: http://www.pca.state.mn.us/changeforms.
#What are GHG process emissions and what would be an example of GHG process emissions?
#*Industrial process emissions are emissions of GHGs that occur from all production processes other than combustion. An example of GHG process emissions would be the amount of materials containing perfluorocarbons (PFCs), nitrous oxide, hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs), or sulfur hexafluoride that was used or purchased by your facility. A good resource to look at potential GHG process emissions for individual source categories is the EPA’s [https://www.epa.gov/ghgreporting Mandatory Reporting Rule (MRR)]. Here emissions are broken down by industry sectors and industry processes. The calculation methodologies are also covered by the EPA’s MRR.
#Can facilities use emissions factors other than the ones used by the MPCA?
#*To calculate GHG combustion emissions MPCA is using generic emission factors from the EPA’s [https://www.epa.gov/ghgreporting Mandatory Reporting Rule (MRR)]. The MPCA strives to be as consistent with the EPA as possible. If facilities have site specific emission factors, or want to use emission factors provided by a trade association or similar, they may change the factors provided in the CEDR application.
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<span id="InvSubmit"></span>
====Inventory Report Submittal====
#If I notice an error in my emission inventory that I just submitted, what should I do? Resubmit or notify an EI staff?
#*The Submitter may submit the EI more than once, if necessary, until the EI submittal deadline. To minimize confusion for all involved, please ensure that your first EI submittal will be your best submittal. This intent adheres to the definition of the ‘legal certification’ in the signature block that the Submitter agrees to at the point of the EI submittal.
#Do I need to attach any files for the EI submittal to be valid?
#*Which attachments to include with the EI remains the same as the previous EI submittals. Attachments are documentation that adds value and/or clarity to the EI emission estimation methods, e.g. a pdf of the executive summary of performance (stack) tests, a VOC material balance spreadsheet.
#The inventory is due and I just hired a consultant to do my inventory submittal. How can I get an extension?
#*Extensions are not allowed. Please submit as soon as possible or your next year's air fee will be calculated using [https://www.revisor.mn.gov/rules/?id=7002.0025 Minn. R. 7002.0025, subp. 3].
#Since the system just calculated my annual emissions, couldn't it also calculate my annual air emission fee?
#*No, because the emissions calculated at the point of EI submittal are draft and are subject to change pending review by the MPCA EI staff.
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<span id="GlossaryOfTerms"></span>
==Glossary of Terms==
'''CROMERR:''' The Cross-Media Electronic Reporting Regulation (CROMERR) provides the legal framework for electronic reporting (ER) under all of the Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) environmental regulations. CROMERR applies to: (a) regulated entities that submit reports and other documents to EPA under Title 40 of the Code of Federal Regulations, and (b) states, tribes, and local governments that are authorized to administer EPA programs under Title 40. CROMERR establishes standards for information systems that receive reports and other documents electronically (including email, but excluding disks, CD's, and other magnetic and optical media) that are submitted to satisfy requirements of a program that a state, tribe, or local government is authorized to administer under Title 40. These standards cover a variety of system functions, such as electronic signature validation. The standards are designed to provide electronic submittals with the same level of legal dependability as the corresponding paper submittals. Although CROMERR does not subject EPA systems to the standards, EPA has decided that all of its systems will conform to the standards when they operate to receive electronic submittals that are covered by the regulation.
'''Copy of Record:''' The copy of record is defined by the EPA as the document "that is submitted in lieu of paper to satisfy requirements under an authorized program. For such submissions, the copy of record is intended to serve as the electronic surrogate for what we refer to as the "original" of the document received where we are doing business on paper. The copy of record is meant to provide an authoritative answer to the question of what was actually submitted and, as applicable, what was signed and certified to in the particular case.
'''Electronic Signature:''' This means any information in digital form that is included in or logically associated with an electronic document for the purpose of expressing the same meaning and intention as would a handwritten signature if affixed to an equivalent paper document with the same reference to the same content. The electronic document bears or has on it a digital (or electronic) signature where it includes or has logically associated with it such information. For MPCA-CROMERR, the electronic signature is comprised of an account's password and one of the five challenge questions that are part of the account creation process.
'''Submittal Agreement:''' This means an electronic signature agreement signed by an individual with a handwritten signature. This agreement must be stored until five years after the associated electronic signature device has been deactivated.
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Latest revision as of 17:13, 16 November 2016

This page was last edited on 16 November 2016, at 17:13.